Expertise and Core Competency

Integrated Office Solutions

Expertise and Core Competency

Integrated Office Solutions, Inc (IOS) is a Systems Integrator and Information Technology Solutions Provider. Incorporated in the State of Georgia in 1993 – IOS has become one of the leading providers of Cisco network infrastructure and IP technology.

With offices in Atlanta and Ellenwood, GA, IOS has been providing Information Technology solutions and consulting services to public and private organizations, including state, local, and Federal Government, as well as the Department of Defense (DOD).

The company provides a broad range of information technology, computer systems, storage solutions, and IT support services, including IP telephony, Security, Access Control, Systems Integration, Network Infrastructure, Enterprise Storage, Cloud Services, Systems Deployment, and Technical Support.

Board Certified Professional Contractors

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Systems Design and Project Management

Systems design is the process of defining elements of a system like modules, architecture, components and their interfaces and data for a system based on the specified requirements. It is the process of defining, developing and designing systems which satisfies the specific needs and requirements of a business or organization.

Project management involves the planning and organization of a company’s resources to move a specific task, event, or duty towards completion. It can involve a one-time project or an ongoing activity, and resources managed include personnel, finances, technology, and intellectual property.

Inside/Outside Cabling Plant Design & Installation

Inside Cabling Plant (ISP) refers to cable installed inside of the building. This includes everything from the patch panel, patch cord, and switch to the cables and jacks.

Outside Cabling Plant (OSP) is any network infrastructure installed external to buildings. Our scope includes optical fiber cabling, balanced twisted-pair cabling, and support structures to link locations.

Outside Cabling Plantcables are underground, direct-buried, or aerial. ICG specializes in direct-buried which utilizes trenches, pedestals, and communication maintenance holes.

Access Controls and Communications Systems

Access control systems are electronic systems that facilitate automated approval for authorized personnel to enter through a security portal without the need for a security officer to review and validate the authorization of the person entering the portal, typically by using a credential to present to the system to verify their authorization.

A communications system is a collection of communications equipment that is integrated into a coherent system. These allow different people to stay in touch over a geographical system. One major application is in disaster response. With a communications system, firefighters, police and paramedics can coordinate their efforts with other government officials.

VoIP and Telecommunications Systems Planning

VoIP Stands for “Voice Over Internet Protocol”. VoIP is basically a telephone connection over the Internet. The data is sent digitally, using the Internet Protocol (IP) instead of analog telephone lines. This allows people to talk to one another long-distance and around the world without having to pay long distance or international phone charges.

Telecommunication is communication at a distance using electrical signals or electromagnetic waves. Learn about the components and properties of telecommunication systems.

Consider for a moment all the different communications that take place in an organization. Some communications are face to face, but others use some type of technology. Think of email, phone calls, text messaging, viewing pages on the Internet, downloading files. All of these communications make use of a telecommunications system. A telecommunications system is a collection of nodes and links to enable telecommunication. Telecommunication is communication at a distance using electrical signals or electromagnetic waves.

Facility Management Planning and Assessment

Facilities management operates on the premises that the efficiency of any organisation is linked to the physical environment in which it operates and that the environment can be improved to increase its efficiency. This has increasingly become an important function of the built environment. This paper looks at performance measurement of facilities management practices and argues that the future of performance assessment of facilities management will have to shift in emphasis towards a measurement and management system.

Facility assessment and management services involve planning and assistance ranging from simple facility assessments to the development of more complex spatial asset management models and capital planning tools.

Audio Video & Wireless Network Infrastructure

Infrastructure wireless network is the wireless network that contains wireless router/access point and enables other computers connect to it wirelessly. This is the common deployment to build a home wireless network.

In order to build up an infrastructure wireless network, the most common method is to set up and configure a wireless router which has built-in Infrastructure mode support and connect it to DSL, cable, 4G/5G or other broadband modem, so that to allow other computers, laptops, printers, TV, mobile phones, tablets or other electronic devices with built-in wireless adapter connect to it to form a local wireless network with Internet access.

Video Surveillance and Cyber Security Systems

Video surveillance involves the act of observing a scene or scenes and looking for specific behaviors that are improper or that may indicate the emergence or existence of improper behavior.

Common uses of video surveillance include observing the public at the entry to sports events, public transportation (train platforms, airports, etc.), and around the perimeter of secure facilities, especially those that are directly bounded by community spaces.

Cyber security is the application of technologies, processes and controls to protect systems, networks, programs, devices and data from cyber attacks.

It aims to reduce the risk of cyber attacks and protect against the unauthorised exploitation of systems, networks and technologies.

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